355 nm - 355 nm 100 mW DPSS Laser  « Naples Compact 355 nm »

Naples Compact 355 nm
Manufacturer :

Series :

Model :
Naples Compact 355 nm


For more information


Low Power Ultra Violet DPSS Laser - Naples Compact 355 nm has the following features: Wavelength is between 355 nm and 355 nm, Average Output Power is between 40 mW and 100 mW, Repetition Rate is between 400 Hz and 500 Hz, Pulse WIdth is between 5 ns and 6 ns, and more.


  • Center Wavelength is 355 nm - 355 nm
  • Average Power is 40 mW - 100 mW +/- 2 %
  • Repetition Rate is 400 Hz - 500 Hz
  • Pulse Width is 5 ns - 6 ns
  • Crystal or Fiber is Nd:YAG DPSS Laser

Comparison table

This table shows products at the same center wavelength, including by other manufacturers.
Displaying 1-10 of 13 results.
Manufacturer Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
EKSPLAAtlantic HR 355355 nm2 W90 MHz7 ps
EKSPLAAtlantic355-60355 nm30 W1000 kHz13 ps
EKSPLAAtlantic355-40355 nm12 W1000 kHz13 ps
EKSPLAAtlantic355-20355 nm6 W1000 kHz13 ps
EKSPLAAtlantic355-2355 nm0.3 W1000 kHz13 ps
EKSPLAAtlantic HE 355355 nm1.2 W4 kHz60 ps
NewportQuasar 355-45355 nm45 W1.7 MHz100 ns
NewportQuasar 355-60355 nm60 W3.5 MHz100 ns
OnefiveKatana–03HP355 nm2 W100 MHz1000 ps
OnefiveKatana–03 XP355 nm1.8 W1 MHz50 ps