: Savanoriu av. 231, , Vilnius, LT-02300
: 1992
: 100
: 370 5 264 9629
: 370 5 264 1809

Selection from laser of EKSPLA

Lasers of EKSPLA are listed below.

Displaying 1-15 of 23 results.
Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
Atlantic HR 10641064 nm16 W90 MHz8 ps
Atlantic HR 532532 nm8 W90 MHz7 ps
Atlantic HR 355355 nm2 W90 MHz7 ps
Atlantic1064-601064 nm60 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic532-60532 nm35 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic355-60355 nm30 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic1064-401064 nm40 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic532-40532 nm20 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic355-40355 nm12 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic1064-201064 nm20 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic532-20532 nm12 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic355-20355 nm6 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic1064-21064 nm2 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic532-2532 nm1 W1000 kHz13 ps
Atlantic355-2355 nm0.3 W1000 kHz13 ps

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