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Search results

Displaying 401-450 of 759 results.

Newport Corporation

Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
Mai Tai XF-1 DS920 nm800 mW80 MHz70 fs
Matisse TR1010 nm6500 mW--
Matisse TS1010 nm6500 mW--
Matisse TX-light1015 nm6500 mW--
Matisse TX1000 nm5800 mW--
Mai Tai SP820 nm400 mW84 MHz25 fs
InSight DeepSee1300 nm1000 mW80 MHz120 fs

TOPTICA Photonics AG

Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
FemtoFiber pro IR1560 nm350 mW80 MHz100 fs
FemtoFiber pro IRS1570 nm220 mW80 MHz40 fs
FemtoFiber pro NIR1560 nm350 mW80 MHz100 fs
FemtoFiber pro SCIR2200 nm150 mW80 MHz-
FemtoFiber pro UCP1400 nm30 mW80 MHz25 fs
FemtoFiber pro TVIS640 nm10 mW80 MHz1 ps
FemtoFiber pro TNIR1100 nm5 mW80 MHz200 fs
PicoFYb 10301030.5 nm +/-0.5 nm10 mW20 MHz10 ps
PicoFYb 10641064.3 nm +/-0.5 nm10 mW20 MHz6 ps
FemtoFYb 10301030.5 nm +/-0.5 nm0.5 mW20 MHz800 fs
FemtoFErb 15601560 nm +/-10 nm120 mW100 MHz80 fs
FemtoFErb 1560 Option…1560 nm +/-10 nm60 mW100 MHz80 fs
FemtoFErb 780780 nm50 mW100 MHz100 fs
FemtoFErb SC1250 nm10 mW80 MHz-
iChrome TVIS640 nm1.5 mW40 MHz3.5 ps

NKT Photonics A/S

Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
Koheras BasiK Y101064 nm10 mW--
Koheras BasiK E151550.12 nm40 mW--
Koheras AdjustiK Y101064 nm10 mW--
Koheras AdjustiK E151550.12 nm40 mW--
Koheras BoostiK OEM1565 nm1 W--
Koheras BoostiK E15/C…1575 nm10 W--
Koheras BoostiK Y101090 nm15 W--
SuperK EXTREME 2400 nm8 W78 MHz-
SuperK Compact2400 nm110 mW20 kHz2 ns

Onefive GmbH

Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
Origami–05535 nm100 mW1.3 GHz230 fs
Origami–101070 nm250 mW1.3 GHz400 fs
Origami–05HP520 nm1.5 W200 MHz200 fs
Origami–10HP1040 nm3 W200 MHz200 fs
Origami–10XP1030 nm4 W1 MHz400 fs
Genki–10 HP ND1064 nm3 W250 MHz15 ps
Genki–10 HP YB1064 nm20 W100 MHz45 ps
Katana–101064 nm500 mW100 MHz1000 ps
Katana–02HP266 nm500 mW100 MHz1000 ps
Katana–03HP355 nm2 W100 MHz1000 ps
Katana–05HP532 nm5 W100 MHz1000 ps
Katana–10HP 1064 nm20 W100 MHz1000 ps
Katana–02 XP266 nm500 mW1 MHz50 ps
Katana–03 XP355 nm1.8 W1 MHz50 ps
Katana–05 XP532 nm3.3 W1 MHz50 ps
Katana–10 XP1064 nm6 W1 MHz50 ps
Origami–08785 nm30 mW1.3 GHz200 fs
Origami–151586 nm120 mW1.3 GHz500 fs
Origami–171700 nm50 mW1.3 GHz300 fs