200 mW Ti:Sapphire Laser  « ONE-BASIC »

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Low Power Ti:Sapphire Laser - ONE-BASIC has the following features: Average Output Power is 200 mW, Repetition Rate is 80 MHz, Pulse WIdth is 8 fs, and more.


  • Average Power is 200 mW
  • Repetition Rate is 80 MHz
  • Pulse Energy is 2.5 nJ
  • Pulse Width is 8 fs
  • Spectral Bandwidth is 200 nm
  • Laser Type is Ti:Sapphire Laser

Comparison table

This table shows products at the same center wavelength, including by other manufacturers.
Displaying 11-20 of 760 results.
Manufacturer Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
Light ConversionCARBIDE1028 nm +/-5 nm4 W1000 kHz10000 fs
Light ConversionFLINT1.01035 nm +/-10 nm1 W76 MHz80 fs
Light ConversionFLINT2.01035 nm +/-10 nm2 W76 MHz100 fs
Light ConversionFLINT4.01035 nm +/-10 nm4 W76 MHz100 fs
Light ConversionFLINT6.01035 nm +/-10 nm6 W76 MHz100 fs
Menlo SystemsORANGE 515515 nm +/-10 nm250 mW100 MHz150 fs
Menlo SystemsORANGE HIGH PO…1040 nm +/-10 nm1 W100 MHz150 fs
Menlo SystemsORANGE HIGH PO…1040 nm +/-10 nm1 W100 MHz50 ps
Menlo SystemsBlueCut1030 nm3 W10 MHz500 fs
Menlo SystemsC-Fiber1560 nm +/-20 nm100 mW100 MHz90 fs