250 mW Ti:Sapphire Laser  « Halcyon-3 »

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For more information


Low Power Ti:Sapphire Laser - Halcyon-3 has the following features: Average Output Power is 250 mW, Repetition Rate is between 75 MHz and 102 MHz, Pulse WIdth is between 25 fs and 40 fs, and more.


  • Average Power is 250 mW +/- 1 % rms
  • Repetition Rate is 75 MHz - 102 MHz
  • Pulse Energy is 2.6 nJ
  • Pulse Width is 25 fs - 40 fs
  • Spectral Bandwidth is 25 nm - 70 nm
  • Laser Type is Ti:Sapphire Laser

Comparison table

This table shows products at the same center wavelength, including by other manufacturers.
Displaying 701-710 of 760 results.
Manufacturer Model Wavelength Output Power Repetition Rate Pulse Width
Power TechnologyML60H15-6 kHz15 ns
Power TechnologyML100H15-5 kHz15 ns
IMRA AmericaD-4001041 nm +/-5 nm400 mW200 kHz500 fs
IMRA AmericaD-10001041 nm +/-5 nm1 W100 kHz550 fs
IMRA AmericaD-10K1041 nm +/-5 nm10 W1 MHz800 fs
IMRA AmericaDE-Series1041 nm +/-5 nm4 W100 kHz550 fs
IMRA AmericaAX-20780 nm +/-5 nm20 mW50 MHz100 fs
IMRA AmericaBX-601560 nm +/-5 nm60 mW50 MHz100 fs
IMRA AmericaCX-201560 nm +/-10 nm20 mW50 MHz100 fs
IMRA AmericaFX-10810 nm +/-5 nm10 mW50 MHz110 fs