759 fs pulse generation with Nd3+-doped CNGS ordered crystal based on a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror 

A diode-pumped passively continuous wave mode-locked laser at 1064.2 nm based on an ordered Nd:CNGS crystal has been experimentally investigated (for the first time, to our knowledge). Stable mode-locked pulses with a duration of 759 fs were produced at a repetition rate of 43.2 MHz. It is the shortest pulse generation of mode-locked lasers based on Nd3+-doped ordered crystal, as far as we know. A maximum average mode-locked output power of 133 mW was obtained at the absorbed pumped power of 6.7 W, and corresponding single-pulse energy and peak power were determined to be 3.1 nJ and 4.1 kW, respectively. The results indicate that the Nd:CNGS as an ordered crystal is indeed a potential candidate as a femtosecond laser gain medium.