Effect of Epitaxial-Structure Design and Growth Parameters on the Characteristics of Metamorphic Lasers of the 1.46-μm Optical Range Based on Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates 

The characteristics of lasers of the 1.44–1.46-μm optical range grown on GaAs substrates using a metamorphic buffer are studied. The active region of the laser contains 10 rows of InAs/In0.4Ga0.6As/In0.2Ga0.8As quantum dots. It is shown that the use of special selective high-temperature annealing along with the application of short-period In0.2Ga0.8As/In0.2Al0.3Ga0.5As short-period superlattices makes it possible to substantially decrease the density of threading dislocations in the active region. A threshold current density of 1300 A cm–2, external differential quantum efficiency of 38%, and maximal pulsed-mode output power of 13 W are attained for a laser with a broad area 3 mm in length.