Monolayer MoS2-based High Energy Rectangular Pulse Fiber Laser Author links open overlay panel 

We have reported the generation of wave-breaking-free pulses operated in dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) of an Yb-doped fiber laser (YDFL) with monolayer molybdenum disulfide. The experiment demonstrates that the energy of single pulse operated in DSR regime (10.28 nJ) is much higher than that of dissipative soliton pulse (0.17 nJ) generated in the same YDFL. When the cavity length is 201 m, as the pump power increases, the duration of the wave-breaking-free pulse broadens from 1.9 to 10.56 ns and pulse energy rises from 51.81 to 208.89 nJ. The highest pulse energy of ~ 496 nJ is obtained, when the cavity length and pump power are increased to 495 m and 450 mW, respectively. The experimental results suggest that MoS2 based YDFL can achieve wave-breaking-free, ultrahigh-energy pulse.