InP-based pseudomorphic InAs/InGaAs triangular quantum well lasers with bismuth surfactant 

An InP-based 2.1 μm InAs/In0.53Ga0.47AsInAs/In0.53Ga0.47As triangular quantum well laser grown with Bi surfactant has shown improved performance in comparison to the device with the same structure but grown without Bi surfactant. Under continuous-wave driving operation, the output light power is increased from 32.6 to 37.5 mW at the same injecting current of 850 mA at 200 K. The external differential and internal quantum efficiencies for the laser with Bi surfactant are 18.4% and 41%, respectively, which are correspondingly higher than 13.1% and 31% for the reference device. Furthermore, a decreased internal loss from 20.9 to 17.6 cm−117.6 cm−1 for the Bi surfactant laser is also observed. These results suggest that Bi surfactant is promising for further enhancing performances of strained quantum well laser diodes.